Thursday, March 7, 2013


So, for this entry, i would tell you readers about my "train" story. :D

Train? what the,, apa kaitan dgn Hope??!

Haha. Sabar eh. That's why you must read this entry until the end.
I have so many memories and stories at KTM station.
but here, i will only share with you 2 of my lettest train stories.


At that time, I was hurrying to get the train. yeah. i want to go back early.
As i bought the ticket, i heard the 'train sound' coming nearer
n the train is already at the platform, waiting for people to come in.
So, apalagi,,, i ran as fast as i can, ran between the people there, down the stairs, as long as i got into the train. Please, i dont want to wait for another 30 minutes for the next train T_T

But then,

tit tit tit

i heard the train signal, telling me that the door is closing.
i was like,,,

Haha. mcm klaka pulak. ok sambung.

but i dont care. i still want to get in! haha

so as the door is closing, i already stepped in front of the door.
i grab the door with both of my hands, and my right leg was already stepped in, as i was trying to not let it to close.

like this:

haha. tp tak sakit pon. sy pakai sluar jeans tebal.

Can you imagine??
How shock the makcik-makcik n pakcik-pakcik inside???

"Opocot nak, tersepit tu haaaa!!!"
"Alamak, ALAMAK!"
"Ya Allah budak ni!"
"Tersepit dik Oiii!"

Haha. Fortunately, no one is suffering from heart disease. haiihh. -__-"
habislah aku kalau ada yg lemah jantung....

As the door detector detected something (my hands n leg) at the door, the door was opening again.
So i entered the train with a smile. like nothing happened. Padahal jantung berdegup kencang oi~ haha
(kesian kat orang2 yg terkejut tu. :p )

Yeah! I manage to enter the TRAIN!!!! :D :D :D
but please dont try this. I WARN you! this is a danger action.


Ok this time, i was with my friend, Miss Y.
We were going to have train to go back home.
As we arrived at KL Sentral, we heard an announcement.

"Train ke Seremban akan tiba di Platform 6 sebentar lg"

I was...WHAT?! arriving already?! aaaaa!!!
both of us ran. buying the ticket, and get the train!
all of this happen within a short period. very fast...really..
people around us look at us strangely...
maybe they're thinking: "pehal budak ni, sorang budak kecik, sorang berjubah"
yeah,,,we ran. we dont want to wait for another 30 minutes. it's boringggg...

But again,,,

tit tit tit

it's closing!


This time the door is closing. and finally it's closed!
I knock the door with a kesian face. (mcmlah train tu ada perasaan kesian nak bukak balik)
Pakcik train wearing a blue cap blew his wistle.
PIIIIFFTTTTT!!!!!!! he warned me.

Yelah, mestilah kena marah. bahayalah kau tau!!! jauhi train! train nak jalan dah tu!
ok kawan2. please dont try this. bahaya. and i dont know why i've done this.
lain kali tanak buat dah.
ok, continue.

I was so sad. no hope to go back early.
just wait for another train. :'(

but then Miss Y approached from my back and push the button on the train's door.
The door was open. yeah! its opening! i can't believe it!

"Awak, tekan butang tu la"
"Wah, sy tak tau pon boleh tekan butang tu" =..='

And we enter the train. Alhamdulillah.

That's the end of my story.

But HEY! Apa kaitan cerita ni dgn tajuk entry ni??!

Haha. Ok. I'm telling you. :)

What i'm trying to say is,,,,
for everything that come up to your life,
don't give up easily.
like my 1st story,
walaupun harapan sgt tipis, kalau kita usaha ke akhirnya, insyaAllah, ada jalan.

And for my 2nd story,
Wether its seems like no hope anymore, even the door is already closed, even you are super-duper depressed,,,
NEVER give up!
because there's still and must have the way out.
Hehe. like my story.
sy rasa mcm dah takda harapan dah.
tp peluang tu muncul dari arah yg tak disangka-sangka.
dan rupa-rupanya kuncinya ada, dan sy je yg tak tau :)

"... sesungguhnya yang berputus asa dari rahmat Allah, hanyalah orang-orang yang kafir..."

"...dan bersabarlah menunggu ketetapan Tuhanmu, kerana sesungguhnya engkau berada dalam pengawasan kami..."

HAVE FAITH IN ALLAH, and He will shed your tears :)

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